Based on your answers to the quiz questions, your best path through work stress is the:
Women walking the Mind Path benefit from stress relief approaches that tap into the healing power of the mind.
That’s because work stress typically shows up for you in your non-stop thoughts. You’re always taking work home with you and it goes beyond a quick email check or the occasional final touches for a presentation the next day. You take work home with you. Every. Single. Day. You’re even thinking about work on the weekends.
Every night you worry about what fire you’ll have to put out at work the next day. Those thoughts you have about your job performance aren’t so kind either. You dwell over all those mistakes you think you made back at work.
It’s an endless and brutal mental chatter. You likely resonate with that saying about being “your own worst enemy.” Beating ourselves up mentally only makes the stressful situation worse though.
When you’re overwhelmed with work stress, the mind rapid fires all these worries and “shoulds.” That busy brain of yours has helped you to be successful in so many ways. It’s also what’s holding you back though from experiencing the peace you truly desire.
Here’s some good news: you can use that same powerful mind of yours to find your way through work stress, too. Women on the Mind Path can harness the healing power of the mind with stress relief techniques like practicing mindfulness and reframing unhelpful thoughts about work.
You’re rarely in the present moment because your thoughts are back at work in some unhelpful way. That’s where the stress relief approach of mindfulness comes in. Practicing mindfulness is all about being wholeheartedly present in the current moment. That’s right. Not back at work.
Meditation is one way to practice mindfulness, but there are lots of other ways to be mindful that don’t involve meditation at all. Like, a mindful walk through your favorite place in nature or a mindful bite to eat, even if it’s just a little taste. Mindfulness practices bring us into the current moment, which is hopefully much more peaceful than all that stress back at work.
We often judge ourselves harshly when we’re suffering from work stress. So, reframing those judgmental thoughts we have about ourselves to be more compassionate is an ideal stress relief tool for those on the Mind Path. We can move towards self-compassion about work stress through compassion focused meditations, journaling, and other introspective practices